
Egg Drop 2012

This year’s egg drop contest was a hoot. There were so many laughing-to-tears moments when function lost the battle to form in a resounding, messy splat. Students developed a variety of creative ways to protect the fragile egg:

One of the funniest moments was when Waffles’ sculpture landed and the egg shell cracked but stayed inside the rubber bands while his entire egg fell out totally intact – first time in the long history of our annual egg drops that a yolk wasn’t broke, sunny side up.

This year, the winners from both classes designed ingenious rotating forms that slowly descended in a spiral to the ground.

From period 3, the strongest design was by India A; her petite but powerful egg helicopter surprised everyone, when, without a seat belt for the egg, the structure remained upright through four floors of throws, finally succumbing to a tiny surface crack in the fourth floor drop.

From 7th period, Steph M.’s tall cardboard and foil spiral made it through four stories of launches without any damage to the egg. We’ll need a field trip to the Willis Tower to test its ultimate potential.